Video 1: Building Mental Resiliency
In this first video of the Building Mental Resiliency video series, we share a Q&A on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. We interview mental health experts, including psychiatrist Dr. Rakesh Jain and psychologist Dr. Saundra Jain, along with CEO of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Dan Gillison, and CEO of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Michael Pollock. These experts speak about how the mental health community has been affected during stay-at-home orders and quarantine while sharing resources for help. Note: Educational resources are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be legal or medical advice.

Video 2: Navigating the Role
of Caregiver
Caregiver experts share how they maintain their physical and mental well-being while caring for others in light of COVID-19. Experts include Lisa Winstel from the Caregiver Action Network; Vicki Reece, founder and CEO of the Joy of Mom; and Keith Johnson, a caregiver and member of the DBSA Chicago Loop Friends and Family support group. Each episode of this series has multiple parts, all available and archived here. Thank you for watching and please stay well. Note: Educational resources are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be legal or medical advice.

Video 3: Insights for Accessing Mental Health Care
COVID-19 has made it more difficult to get support while isolation and stress are increasing the need for mental health care. Experts Darcy Gruttadaro, Director of the Center for Workplace Mental Health at the American Psychiatric Association Foundation; Marjorie Morrison, CEO and Cofounder of Psych Hub; and Jeremy Nobel, MD, Founder of The UnLonely Project and Foundation for Art and Healing, share resources on and insights into how to access care. Each episode of this series has multiple parts, all available and archived here. Thank you for watching and please stay well. Note: Educational resources are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be legal or medical advice.

Video 4: Managing Chronic Conditions
For the more than 60% of Americans with chronic disease, staying mentally and physically healthy during COVID-19 has been a challenge, especially for the kidney and transplant communities. The National Kidney Foundation’s Kelli Collins, advocate; patient Valen Cover Keefer; and Paul Gionfriddo, CEO of Mental Health America, share their insights and resources to help others with chronic disease focus on mental health. Note: Educational resources are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be legal or medical advice.

Video 5: What is Systemic Racism?
In the fifth video of our Building Mental Resiliency video series, we feature a discussion on systemic racism with our panelists Kabir Nath (moderator), Dr. Altha Stewart, and Dr. Valerie Purdie-Greenaway. As panel members, these experts explain the impact of systemic racism on social, physical, and mental well-being and provide insights into what we as individuals and organizations can do to combat racism. Each episode of the series will have multiple parts, all available and archived here. Thank you for watching and please stay well. Note: Educational resources are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be legal or medical advice.

Video 6: Trauma Treatment: Through a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Lens
Have you started trauma treatment or are considering starting? It can be the best decision you have ever made and also the most daunting.
Those who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder are already suffering due to hypervigilance, inability to concentrate, interrupted sleep, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and more. Treatment for PTSD is an excellent option when facing this debilitating disorder.
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was created for intense emotions and sensations. It translates well to the treatment of trauma and the fears that come up. Please join this webinar to learn more about how you or your loved one can use DBT to help you get through the difficult stages of trauma treatment or the fear of starting.
Perspectives collects a provocative set of ideas, insights, and data analytics shaping the mental health landscape. We invite you to read Perspectives and share your thoughts with us.

August 2022
This August, we reflect on key conversations and headlines coming out of LGBTQ+ Pride Month and PTSD Awareness Month.

June 2022
In June, we focus on common themes around gun violence, trauma, and mental health.

April 2022
In recognition of Minority Health Month, NEXUS explores the conversations and headlines around mental health across diverse minority groups.

March 2022
Researchers at the University of North Carolina surveyed 1,612 Black women in Detroit about their experiences with racism.

February 2022
The New York Times surveyed 1,320 mental health professionals to gauge the long-term mental health implications of COVID.

November 2021
Prioritizing Trauma: Perspectives and Experiences from Across the Community

October 2021
This October, we focus on topics connected to Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

September 2021
This September, in light of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we will focus on youth and suicide.

August 2021
In this issue, we highlight the top issues related to mental health and trauma among youth.

July 2021
This month, we highlight the top issues related to race, mental health, and the justice system.

March 2021
Find out how four communities amplified critical mental health conversations over the past year.

February 2021
How has conversation around youth mental changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

December 2020
A special year-end look at the unprecedent changes in mental health conversation

October 2020
Learn about key topics emerging from conversation around trauma and the justice system

September 2020
The importance of self-identifying trauma – especially for BIPOC women

August 2020
Read about the connections between trauma and youth, including the lasting health impact

June 2020
Maintaining emotional and cognitive balance is important for healthcare workers to persevere and perform

May 2020
Can virtual resources help provide greater access to mental healthcare to more people?

April 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is a multi-faceted public health crisis-affecting both our physical and mental health.
Our white papers offer in-depth looks at key mental health community topics and feature insights and expert perspectives from NEXUS representatives.
April 2021
Read our latest white paper on the language of mental health. We explore the important role of language and the many ways mental health is understood, experienced, and cared for.
March 2022
In October 2021, NEXUS hosted the summit Prioritizing Trauma: Perspectives and Experiences From Across the Community. It is our privilege to share in this paper a selection of the powerful conversations that arose during the summit. Through these original quotes, this paper explores the current trauma landscape, identifies paths forward, and provides messages of hope and care.
May 2022
Children and adolescents exposed to childhood trauma are more likely to struggle academically, have trouble forming friendships, and exhibit challenging behaviors in the classroom. Additionally, they are more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, and conduct disorders. This white paper aims to assist educators, advocacy organizations, and guardians in identifying trauma and implementing trauma-informed practices in schools. Additionally, it provides vetted resources and references for further exploration at the local level.